Saturday, March 23, 2013

Jay Leno VS NBC

   OK, we just have to rant about the Jay Leno vs. NBC stories that have been all over the Internet this past week or so. Here is an opinion we think everyone should consider.
    We have watched the "Tonight Show" for years and years. We saw Jack Paar; we loved Steve Allen and Adored Johnny Carson (And there was Dick Cavett too) so it is not like we just got off the train yesterday. We have actual viewer experience. We watched Johnny the most of course and were said to see him go. Johnny is the mold for the shows success. Like Jay he had class and did take shots at the network and the executives many times. No problems, right?
   You know it was OK for Johnny Carson to joke about NBC for years and it was OK for Jay Leno to joke about NBC for years ...until recently. Now the "thin-skinned fools" don't like the truth anymore. Too close to home? But we guess now NBC is no joke? Or is it? What is NBC?...last? nope...well maybe. What are they? What do they or could they stand for?  Let's see. NBC = Not Better Content or NBC = No Body Cares or ... well you get it; create your own. Oh...wait...don't be creative that would anger the juvenile executives. It was OK to joke a little while ago but now it’s not? Hey let's change everything and go after those 18-49 demos again.
   They apparently they don't know (or choose to ignore) that "Millions & millions & millions"" of over 18-49 year old viewers will leave with him (Jay that is). Can they afford a change like that? And let's see...hummm...Oh yeah those consumers, the ones over 49 years old and older, actually have the money that the advertisers are seeking (they have for years). Now that "Baby Boomers" (the largest group of people in human history) are free to stay up late a watch someone who can relate to them and spend money (which they have saved for years) on the ads related to the show we should dump them. Let's just forget about that. And for get them too.
   We want to update the show and move it to New York where the market is depressed and depressing. OK, we have seen Jimmy Fallon and feel he is talented. He is great with musical impressions and his "Thank You Notes" are clever sometimes. But he is NOT the draw for the people that watch the "Tonight Show" nor was Conan. And yes, we understand that you want to "Change" the audience to the 18-49 group. This is a foolish and poorly thought out decision. Even if it did work it would take "years & years" of LOSSES to get these viewers. Have you even considered the life patterns for this demo group? How they shop. Where they shop? If they even have any disposable income? Can you really afford these LOSSES? After all this is about money NOT entertainment. Remember you really don't care about those viewers that actually have money to spend. If we didn't know better we would blame "that NYC mayor" for this thing too. Oh, hey, remember no cups on the show larger than 16oz. Note: Kudos’ to the judge that saw through that stupid nanny ordinance. We digressed, sorry.
    Well...we feel NBC will sink further down the tubes with this one...We figure it will be strike three for them. First strike, move Jay to 10pm and change the format, then 2nd strike move Conan in to Jay's old spot (gotta get those 18-49 yr old peeps) ...nope, that didn't work. Those two ideas failed badly...that didn't work (and cost them about 40 Million extra to boot)...3rd strike, let's move Jimmy to Jay's "Tonight Show" spot and chase away those "old" people with the money. We don't care if they go over to that "other" Jimmy or to David on CBS.  Has anyone seen the pitiful viewing numbers since the recent move of Jimmy "the other" compared to Jay? They (Jimmy "the other") are really bad. David Letterman's numbers are closer to Jay than Jimmy "the other". Look at the tracking polls and you will see that the people are NOT watching Jimmy "the other" since the move to an earlier time slot. Meanwhile David just keeps plugging along. Yes poor numbers next to Jay but better that ANYONE else. So go ahead NBC disregard all of the signs that you are making another big mistake. Do this and suffer the wrath of those viewers with the disposable income.
   This new NBC idea is not to is just another tail chaser. Well…it is NBC so it is par for the course. Off course, in the rough, in the lake, in the sand trap and yep a really boogie monster.

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